0034 936243920 elciclobcn@gmail.com

Bicycles have become more popular in Barcelona in recent years, in line with what is happening in many European capitals. The city’s mild climate and relief are ideal for everyday bicycle use. 80% of the city has a gradient of less than 2% and you can get around comfortably.

The fact that the countries in which bicycles are most often used are those of central and northern Europe, where the usual weather conditions are more extreme than those of Barcelona, gives a clear idea of the advantages of cycling on day-to-day journeys, as well as the benefits to people’s heath. The bicycle does not pollute or make noise and it is highly efficient for urban journeys when compared to motor vehicles.

The perception and use of the bicycle has changed a great deal over recent years, especially in the way people have come to understand its value and usefulness as a means of urban transport, and the network of bicycle lanes and adapted services has been extended. The implementation of Bicing in 2007 was also important in this change, as it led to a rapid increase in the number of users.
